Thursday, April 15, 2010

Silly Me ~

The couple that fights the most is the one most in love... It shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fixed it... When i stop fighting with you it means i stopped caring anymore...B hope u'll understand about it...
To me the hardest thing to do is watch the one i love, love someone else...It really does hurts alot... Cuz i've been through it before, i don't know how many tears i've drop cuz of you...All i know is if i love something, i'll let it go... If it comes back to me, its mine forever... If it dosent, then it was never meant to be...
I self destruct every relationship so that i won't get hurt...But in truth i just hurt myself worse in the long run... Im just so ME... Sigh...

B, all i know is...I love you more and more when days passed...



Im just a ordinary girl that NEEDs...

♥ A guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot and sexy, who calls me back when i hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to my heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch me sleep... ♥
♥ Wait for my boy who kisses my forehead, who wants to show me off to the world when im in sweats, who holds my hand in front of his friends, who thinks im just as pretty without makeup on... ♥
♥ One who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have ME... ♥

~ ♥ The one who turns to his friends and says, thats my BABE... ♥ ~

♥ BB ♥