Sunday, March 28, 2010

Asia Barbie Has Been Born ♥

Today im gonna to post about my Genting life... Quite boring but 1 thing i loves about Genting is the wheather, love it sooooooo much ♥♥ ...ooooo ~~ Everything's new to me... New friend, new room, new bed, new life style ... And of course there's more additional stress on me....So f**king down sometimes, cuz felt sooo helpless and felt left out and abandon by everyone...Need hugs ~~ Seriously need hugs ~~ Pretend to be strong infront of people, cuz dun wan let them thought that im a crying baby...Even though i im a crying baby ~ Hees ~That's why I was so reluctant to stay much longer ... Luckily i got someone that really do cares about me, his my best companion i could ever have ... Definitely the most best n sweet companion ever... Can't imagine my life without him... ♥

Im apologizing to my precious one, cuz he was mad at me that time ♥

I love this heel sooo much, saw it at Padini while having my break time... But i didn't brought it, cuz quite expensive though...So I managed to walk away from it, but im not goin to give up on this high heel and im gonna buy it soon enough... Hohohoho ~ ♥

And i also brought myself a cute purple bottle, as u guys knows that im deeply in love with purple colour... I was wondering why is My pal "Wendy" dun like purple colour soo much?? Cute what ~~ Hees ~

If can, vote for it pleasssse !!! Purple rules ~ Hohohoho ~

Took this pic around 2 something in the morning while walking back to hostel, u guys c how steep the road is !!! Man !!! Can u guys imagine how tired i im ?? Thats why i couldn't manage to wake up early in the morning the next day... Lazy ...

C !! How foggy it is ?? This climate had been like that for a couple of days d... Quite chilly ... ~~

♥ While working, sometimes is quite boring and nothing to do much...Since nothing to do v took a wig fool around, hees ~ That is why my new nickname Asia barbie came from ... LOL ~ ♥

♥ LoL ~~ What do u guys think of my "new" hairdo ??? ♥

♥ Finally im having a break now... Im less stressful now... ♥
Went to pasar malam with my pal, played 3G with my baby... At life is more interesting now...Just love it ~ ♥

Guess guess guess ~ Guess which 1 is my pretty feet ~ Hees

♥ Trying to sleep 42 hours now to replace my loss of sleeping hour in Genting.. Hohohoho ~ ♥ TaTa ♥

♥ End ♥


Anonymous said...

no need 2 guess,see also no le,sure d purple sandal is ur leg d...hehe..jivi

Andy Chua said...

newborn asia sleeping beauty~ (pig also kalah!!!)
life is sux there i know, but ur manage to stay tough for everyone to see.. proud of ya. crybaby crybaby~ suffer suffer... start with suffer and end with easy life ma... sassa so young have to face all this~ proven sassa big girl d lur~

Lissa Lynn said...

Lol..Jivi u r soooo clever...

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